At The Jar, we do Sundays differently
And we don’t just mean meeting at 4pm instead of in the morning (the pastors like to sleep in, too)!
What follows is the schedule for a normal Sunday gathering. We believe in predictable unpredictability, so all of the elements will take place every Sunday, but some may be moved around if we feel the lesson requires a schedule change to be more effective. Here’s what you can expect at most of our services:

3:30pm — The welcome.
The hospitality team is literally standing outside the door at 702 H St NE to welcome you into our “living room” setting for the gathering. You’ll get a bulletin that tells you how to get involved and ushered in to find a seat at one of our coffee tables.
Coffee, hot chocolate, iced tea, and water are available. We welcome all ages to stay in the sanctuary for worship time, but if you need a tour of the children’s area, just ask!

4:00pm — The lesson.
We start every week with a quick reminder of who we are, why we are here in Ardmore, and what is happening.
After that, we lead everyone in a PRAYER OF EXPECTATION, a time of silence before the Lord where we tell Him what we need from Him this hour and ask Him what He expects of us. Each person is encouraged to pray and then stand when they feel ready to receive from God and give back to Him.
The praise team, currently led by Pastor Carrie Rogers, will create an atmosphere of worship through prayer and song.
When the Holy Spirit has prepared us, we release the children to follow Family Pastor Carrie Nault to the children’s area and the adults settle in to hear a lesson from Pastors Michael & Carrie Rogers.
We end with a reflection time where attenders are invited to:
Take communion
Pray with the pastors or at the altar
Reflect on how God has spoken to you
Join in singing a song of praise
Pastor Steve Skinner from Solid Rock House of Ministries is often available for prayer and counsel, as well.

5:00pm — Conversation.
After a short break, you will be encouraged to sit again at your coffee table and have a conversation with your fellow attenders. We will provide questions that help you decide how to apply what you’ve learned in the lesson.
It starts with an icebreaker so that you can learn a little bit about the others at your table. The next three questions focus either on how God has filled you through the lesson or on how you can empty yourself for others in light of the lesson.

5:30pm — Benediction and dismissal.
We release you with a blessing spoken over you, praying you are filled by God to be emptied for others!
Often, the best conversations happen while you are picking up the kids and sharing what you learned with friends or meeting new friends. The pastors are available during this time for further prayer and consultation, or just to hang out!